Forgotten Images

I was recently nominated by someone on Facebook to post landscape photographs for five days. My immediate thought was to post some from my Project 365 that I completed in 2013, but I decided to go through older photographs that I hadn't looked at for while.  

I was amazed at how many photographs were stored on my network drive that I hadn't even thought about for years. It took quite some time just to sift through them, even though they were fairly well organized, into years, months and location. It brought back some good memories of places that I had been and would like to revisit.

I was reminded of how much I like to travel and how it has been a while since I have been someplace that I could spend time just taking photographs and not needing to worry about anything else. Spending time doing fieldwork in Greenland was very much like that, everyday was similar but different. Four weeks at the margin of the ice sheet and all that I had to think about was glaciers, sample collection and what was going to be cooked for dinner that night. Good times. Images below are of the Leverett Glacier in Greenland. Not to be confused with the Leverett Glacier in Antarctica.