
As I write this in Cafe Nero, across from Cambridge Train Station, I feel a little melancholy. It may be the almost five days of (mostly) solitude that has passed or it may be that I am actually a little sad to be leaving. My trip here has been successful having passed the FME training course and having learned more than I hoped about the application. I also spent a lot of time in the early evening wandering Cambridge and taking photographs, primarily to see how the camera in the iPhone XS Max performs (admirably).

Cambridge is an interesting city, a combination of medieval buildings, colleges, modern science & business parks with everything in between. The River Cam which runs through the city was delightful to spend time at. I managed to get coffee in a cafe near the river bank and watch tourists on boats being punted along it and hearing a hundred different languages being spoken as people walked by. 

Some of the architecture blew me away. I have seen photographs of the buildings before but to actually see them in person is so much more. The buildings of Queens’ College and Kings’ College were amazing, I literally don’t have the adjectives to describe how impressed I was. I have never before seen such an amount of buildings that impressed me in such a small amount of geographical space.

I also visited the Wooden Bridge that joins two parts of Queens’ College, also known as the Mathematical Bridge. Nicknamed the mathematical bridge due to its arrangement of timbers arranged in a series of tangents, creating an arched bridge rom entirely straight timber. I will not try to explain it any further as my lack of engineering knowledge and maths would be all to evident. A popular myth around about the bridge is that Sir Isaac Newton designed and built the bridge without the use of nuts and bolts and that at ‘some time’ in the past students attempted to take the bridge apart and put it back together. They were unable to work out how to hold the structure together and had to use nuts and bolts to finish it. Of course, when it was first built, iron spikes were driven into it to hold it together and could not be seen from the inside which is why the bolts were thought to be an addition to the original. More to the point though, Newton died twenty two years before the bridge was constructed.

I have added a few photographs of my trip below, all taken on the iPhone Xs Max. I decided not to take my 5D purely out of the interest of saving weight and to push me into using the iPhone (the best camera you have is the one you have with you).

Pi Day

I usually remember Pi Day but it escaped my notice until I was walking home after practical class today! My second to last assessment was handed in this morning and my last assessment was handed out this afternoon, for further spatial analysis. It looks interesting, cluster analysis.

It was a cold clear day in Edinburgh which made for a great magic hour at dusk. I also deviated from my usual way home and snapped a shot which I added to the Edinburgh gallery. I actually shot a lot on the way home but this was the only one I was happy with. It reminded me to try and walk places in a different way everyday so that there is a chance to see new locations and original ways to compose photographs.

This photograph was taken at the back of the Edinburgh University College of Art. I like the scene with the corroding sign on the wall and the back of the castle in the background.

It seems that the academic year is passing very fast with my last class being next Monday afternoon. After that I will be working full time on my dissertation which currently has the title "Identifying the potential for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in north-western Nepal". It's a pity there isn't any fieldwork allowed... Perhaps I'll go after the course finished.