It has been two years today since my brother tragically left us for what lies beyond. It was something that shocked everyone that he knew and was a startling reminder of how precious and fragile life is. It has taken a long time for me to come to terms with and it has only been with time that I am even able to talk about it.
He was a bit older than me and even though I don’t remember us living in the same house for very long he was a fixture in my life, he was mischievous, loved watching his soap opera’s and always had a story. He was easy going, hard working and generous to a fault.
When I returned from living in The Netherlands I lived close to Tom and it saddens me that I didn’t see him more before he left. Nothing will ever alleviate the guilt I feel about this. So, if you are reading this and there is someone in your life that you haven’t seen or called in a while, do something about it.
Thomas Alexander Neil