Random finds

So it has been a while since I have browsed around my network drive, I usually just use it for downloads nowadays, and for storing old images.

I came across a directory of images I that I kept when I was still living in The Netherlands that for one reason or another I kept. Most were ‘collected’ when I was loading data. Some of them made me laugh, some were (a little) inspirational and some were images of woman that were “wow” so to speak.

Here is a snapshot of these, click and hover for the Lightbox and explanation.

I have no idea who owns these images or what the copyright is on them. Am not sure I particularly care either ;-)

Satellite Imagery Comparison

As part of my M.Sc. postgraduate presentation....

The images on the left are from the satellite Landsat 5, taken in October of 1998. The images on the right were taken by the satellite Landsat 8 in October of 2015.  The image comparison shows glacial retreat and glacial lake expansion.


The image comparison below is a closer view of the glacial lake expansion and glacier retreat.